Installation for development

It is recommended to install bwscanner in a virtualenv

Check `virtualenv installation <`_. In Debian:

sudo apt install python-virtualenv

Create a virtual environment:

mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/bwscannerenv
source ~/.virtualenvs/bwscannerenv/bin/activate

Get bwscanner sources:

git clone

Install it in development mode:

cd bwscanner
pip install -e .

Running tests

Unit and integration tests are run automatically for each pull request. The tests must pass before code will be merged. Tox is used to run the tests reproducibly in your development environment.

Tox can be used to create new Python virtual environments with a reproducible state and to run all the tests.

Install the test depenencies:

pip install -e .[test]

The integration tests are run against a local Tor network which is managed by chutney. You can start chutney as follows:


The bandwidth scanner needs to be able to connect to a Tor control port to interact with the network. If using chutney the port 8021 should work. Tests are run by simply calling tox.


To stop and start chutney, run:

cd chutney
./chutney stop networks/basic-025
./chutney start networks/basic-025
cd ..